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Title: The SJR indicator: A new indicator of journals' scientific prestige
Authors: Guerrero Bote, Vicente P.
González Pereira, Borja
Moya Anegón, Félix de
Keywords: Indicador SJR;Revistas académicas;Revistas de prestigio;Redes de citación;SJR indicator;Academic journals;Journal prestige;Eigenvector centrality;Citation networks
Issue Date: 2009-12
Abstract: This paper proposes an indicator of journals' scientific prestige, the SJR indicator, for ranking scholarly journals based on citation weighting schemes and eigenvector centrality to be used in complex and heterogeneous citation networks such Scopus. Its computation methodology is described and the results after implementing the indicator over Scopus 2007 dataset are compared to an ad-hoc Journal Impact Factor both generally and inside specific scientific areas. The results showed that SJR indicator and JIF distributions fitted well to a power law distribution and that both metrics were strongly correlated, although there were also major changes in rank. There was an observable general trend that might indicate that SJR indicator values decreased certain JIF values whose citedeness was greater than would correspond to their scientific influence.
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