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Títulos: Analysis of consultation demand in a mental health centre during the recent economic recession
Autores/as: Norberto Gamero, María Jesús
Rodríguez Santos, Laura
Cáceres León, Macarena Celina
Montanero Fernández, Jesús
Palabras clave: Servicios comunitarios de salud mental;Desempleo;Nivel académico;Trastorno mental;Community mental health services;Unemployment;Academic level;Mental disorder
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Editor/a: Springer
Resumen: The economic recession that recently affected most European countries has led to a worsening of the mental health situation in the general population and an associated rise in outpatient psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to analyse the socio-demographic, clinical and assistential features of the demand for specialist mental health attention. A descriptive and analytical study was conducted in the period 2011–2015 (N = 1252). The principal relations among variables were analysed by an χ2 test, followed by a Z test with Bonferroni’s correction. For a global perspective a Multiple Correspondence Analysis was performed. 2 The most frequent disorders were adjustment, anxiety and mood disorders, and in addition there were a large number of patients without diagnosis. The percentage of unemployed or inactive patients was high, as it was for those with a low academic level. The younger patients were more prone to have adjustment disorders, especially among the unemployed ones, while anxiety disorders were more frequent in the patients with jobs. A close association seems to exist between unemployment, low academic level and mental health problems. The high demand for mental health attention reveals a clear need to optimize the utilization of specialized care in mental health.
DOI: 10.1007/s11126-020-09770-1
Colección:DMATE - Artículos

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