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Títulos: Validation of precipitable water vapor estimates from an inexpensive infrared thermometer
Autores/as: Pérez Aparicio, Alejandro Jesús
Vaquero Martínez, Javier
Gallego Herrezuelo, María Cruz
Antón Martínez, Manuel
Vaquero Martínez, José M.
Palabras clave: Water vapor;Precipitable water;Infrared thermometer;Global navigation satelite systems;Validation;Spain;Vapor de agua;Agua de lluvia;Termómetro de infrarrojos;Navegación vía satélite;Validación;España
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Elsevier
Resumen: Water vapor is a fundamental component of the Earth’s atmosphere with a high spatial and temporal variability. This work studies to what extent low-cost infrared thermometers can infer precipitable water (variable commonly used to characterize atmospheric water vapor). In a calibration process, infrared thermometer readings recorded at Badajoz (Spain) during the 2015–2018 period are compared against precipitable water data measured with reference ground-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in order to obtain conversion factors through regression analyses considering two exponential fits. After this calibration, using the equation of the best fit, thermometer readings for the year 2019 are transformed into precipitable water estimates. A validation analysis in which these estimates are compared with GNSS measurements yields rms differences of 19% and 17% when normal and seasonal calibration had been employed, respectively. These results are similar (or even better) to those obtained with satellite data. In addition, we explore if certain factors, such as solar elevation, precipitable water content, precipitable water measurements used as reference and equations to convert temperature readings into precipitable water estimates, can significantly affect the quality of the estimates. In view of our results, low-cost infrared thermometers could be used to create an extensive and dense network for a better characterization of the spatial and temporal variability of water vapor.
ISSN: 1364-6826
DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106107
Colección:DDCEM - Artículos
DFSCA - Artículos
IACYS - Artículos

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