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Title: A future classroom lab with active and gamified STEAM proposal for mathematics and science disciplines: Analyzing the effects on pre-service teacher’s affective domain
Authors: Montero Izquierdo, Ana Isabel
Jeong, Jin Su
González Gómez, David
Keywords: Future classroom Lab;Mathematics and science didactics;STEAM;Gamification;Affective domain;Laboratorio del aula del futuro;Didáctica de las matemáticas y las ciencias;Gamificación;Ámbito afectivo
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Cell Press
Abstract: The recent emergence of innovative learning spaces, Future Classroom Lab (FCL), provides educators the use of physical learning spaces (to research, interact, exchange, develop, create, and present) and diverse technological tools to work according to active methodologies. Learners become more active in the learning process with the introduction of innovative learning environments that enable the application of interdisciplinary STEAM methodology and foster the development of 21st century competences. This study aims to uncover the probable link between application active and gamified STEAM educational interventions in the FCL and Pre-Service Teachers’ (PSTs) affective domain. The findings obtained showed statistically significant variations and, therefore, positive effects on the PSTs’ affective domain (self-efficacy, attitude, and emotion) after performing the intervention. The sample consisted of a total of 54 PSTs enrolled in the second year of Primary Education. Limited studies regarding the affective domain in the FCL were found, which restricted the comparison with prior research. This study has several implications, such as the introduction of innovative educational proposals to PSTs at the university level and, consequently, the implementation of similar interventions in elementary schools. This research intended to reveal how the different variables work as a support system for students’ learning process in mathematics and science disciplines.
ISSN: 2405-8440
Appears in Collections:DDCEM - Artículos

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