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Title: Is high teacher directiveness always negative? Associations with students’ motivational outcomes in physical education
Authors: García González, Luis, 1981-
Haerens, Leen
Abós Catalán, Ángel
Sevil Serrano, Javier
Burgueño, Rafael
Keywords: Modelo circumplejo;Circumplex approach;Teoría de la Autodeterminación;Self-Determination Theory;Conductas controladoras;Controlling behaviours;Sendero motivacional brillante;Bright motivational path;Sendero motivacional oscuro;Dark motivational path
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: This study investigates how perceived competence-supportive and externally and internally controlling styles can be combined and associated with different students' motivational outcomes in Physical Education (PE). In a sample of 1107 students, results revealed that while competence-support positively related to need satisfaction and autonomous motivation, external and internal control positively related to need frustration, controlled motivation, amotivation, and oppositional defiance. Of the four identified profiles, the “high competence-supportelow control” profile was the most adaptive, while the “low competence-supporte very high control” profile was the most maladaptive. Findings suggest that PE teachers combine both styles with differentiated students’ motivational outcomes
ISSN: 0742-051X
DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2023.104216
Appears in Collections:DDEMU - Artículos

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