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2018Spectral properties for polynomial and matrix operators involving demicompactness classesBen Brahim, Fatma; Jeribi, Aref; Krichen, Bilel; University of Sfax. Tunisia
2002Stability in Banach spacesOdell, Edward; University of Texas at Austin. USA
2023Stability of singular limit cycles for Abel equations revisitedBravo Trinidad, José Luis; Fernández García-Hierro, Manuel; Ojeda Martínez de Castilla, Ignacio; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2007Structural properties of Banach and Fréchet spaces determined by the range of vector measuresSofi, M.A.; Qassim University. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2012Superstability of approximate cosine type functions on the monoid ℝ²Bouikhalene, Belaid; Elqorachi, Elhoucien; Charifi, A.; University Sultan Moulay Slimane. Morocco; Ibn Zohr University. Morocco
2003Sur les transformations additives qui conservent le spectre de surjectionEch-Cherif El Kettani, Mustapha; El Bouchibti, El Houcine; Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah. Maroc
2021TAC method for fitting exponential autoregressive models and others: applications in economy and financeCabello Sánchez, Javier; Fernández Torvisco, Juan Antonio; Rodríguez-Arias Fernández, Mariano; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2016-11-21Un teorema de compleción para espacios de sucesiones generalizadasGarcía Lafuente, José María; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2007The bounded approximation property for weakly uniformly continuous type holomorphic mappingsÇalıșkan, Erhan; Yildiz Teknik ̈Universitesi. Turkia
2012The commutant of an operator with bounded conjugation orbits and C₀‒contractionsZarrabi, Mohamed; Université de Bordeaux. France
2010The hitchhiker guide to categorical Banach space theory. Part I.Fernández Castillo, Jesús M.; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2022The hitchhiker guide to categorical Banach space theory. Part IIFernández Castillo, Jesús M.; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2022The Kalton-Peck space is the complexification of the real Kalton-Peck spaceFernández Castillo, Jesús M.; Moreno Salguero, Yolanda; Universidad de Extremadura. Instituto de Matemáticas (IMUEX)
2004The positive supercyclicity theoremLeón Saavedra, Fernando; Universidad de Cádiz
2023The Rochberg gardenFernández Castillo, Jesús M.; Pino Velasco, Raúl; N/A; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas
2008The set of exponents for isomorphic extensions of Hölder maps is not always closedDelpech, Sylvain
2007The single-valued extension property and subharmonicityDrissi, Driss; Kuwait University. Estado de Kuwait
2009The unit ball of ℒₛ(²ɭ²∞)Kim, Sung Guen; Kyungpook National University. South Korea
2009Topics in linear isometries of function algebrasVesentini, Edoardo; Politecnico di Torino. Italia
2007Topological characterization of weakly compact operators revisitedPeralta, Antonio M.; Universidad de Granada