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- X Triticosecale Wittmack 2
- X-microfluorescence 1
- X-ray 1
- X-ray diffractometry 1
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 1
- X-ray powder thermodiffraction 1
- X-rays 1
- XBee 1
- XII Poetry recital " Palabras y rosas para el amor" 1
- XII Recital Poético "Palabras y rosas para el amor" 1
- XIII Century 1
- XIII-XV Centuries 1
- XIX Century 1
- XIX century 8
- XIX to XXI centuries 1
- XIX" siècle 2
- XIXe siècle 1
- XIXth Century 2
- XIXth century 2
- XIXᵉ-XXᵉ siècles 1