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Title: El paisaje cultural originado por las comunidades religiosas en Llerena
Other Titles: The cultural landscape originated by religious communities in Llerena
Authors: Díez González, María del Carmen, 1952-
Keywords: Llerena (Badajoz);Urbanismo;Extremadura;España;Órdenes regulares;Franciscanos observantes;Franciscanos descalzos;Dominicos;Clarisas;Terciarias franciscanas;Concepcionistas franciscanas;Agustinas;Jesuitas;Hospitalarios;Mercedarios;Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados;Urban planning;Regular Orders;The Observant Franciscans;The Discalced Franciscans;The Dominicans;The Order of St Clare;The Order of the Franciscan Tertiaries;The Franciscan Conceptionist Sisters;The Augustinian Nuns;The Jesuits;The Order of St John;The Little Sisters of the homeless elderly
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones
Abstract: Podemos dar a Llerena la consideración de “ciudad-convento”, toda vez que albergó nada menos que once comunidades religiosas regulares en su historia. Entre ellas destaca el número de las que siguieron alguna de las reglas de San Francisco, cinco en total, pero no por ello dejaron menor huella en el urbanismo de la villa otras que, si bien llegaron más tarde, por su estilo, acorde al momento barroco en que aparecen (siglos XVII y XVIII), y el carisma que desarrollaron: beneficencia o docencia, dieron lugar a importantes inmuebles adaptados a dicha labor. Actualmente, de esta prolífica ocupación religiosa solo pervive un convento femenino de clarisas, si bien se mantienen aún restos de los otros y huella importante de los mismos en su callejero.
Llerena can be considered as a city-convent, since it hosted no less tan eleven regular religious communities in its history. Notable among them is the number of the ones that followed some of the Rules of Saint Francisco, five in total, but not for that reason others left a minor mark on the town planning, although they arrived later. Those were the ones which, because of their style, according to the baroque moment in which they appear, (in the 17th and 18th centuries), and the charisma they developed - charity or teaching – gave rise to important buildings adapted to this work. Currently, only of this prolific religious occupation a female Convent of Poor Clares survives, although remains of others and their important marks are still maintained on its street map.
ISBN: 978-84-09-17206-1
Appears in Collections:DACTE - Libros o capítulos de libros

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