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dc.contributor.authorObregón Muñoz, María Ángeles-
dc.contributor.authorCosta, María J.-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Ana M.-
dc.contributor.authorJiménez Serrano, Antonio-
dc.description.abstractNotable uncertainties in the aerosol impact on the Earth's radiative budget still remain, mainly at local scales. This study aims to accurately quantify the shortwave aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) and its efficiency (ARFE) at Évora (Portugal, Southwestern Europe). This is an interesting region affected by different aerosol types and sources. Towards this goal, ARF and ARFE are calculated for Évora during thirteen years (2003–2015), which is the longest period ever analyzed for this region. For this calculation, the most updated AERONET data have been used to simulate irradiance with the libRadtran code. Thus, 1676 daily values were analyzed, obtaining a mean ARF of –7.4 W m–2 at the Earth's surface (SURF) and –1.1 W m–2 at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), indicating a cooling of the Earth–atmosphere system. The difference in ARF between TOA and SURF indicates a mean net gain of 6.3 W m–2 for the atmosphere. While no ARF seasonal pattern is observed at the TOA, a clear seasonal cycle is detected at the SURF with the most negative values occurring in summer. On the other hand, ARFE shows mean values of –62.7 W m–2 τ–1 at the SURF and –14.3 W m–2 τ–1 at the TOA. Results show that ARFE highly depends on the aerosol single scattering albedo, showing opposite behavior at the SURF and at the TOA. The large temporal variability detected in the aerosol properties in the region of study confirms the general need for long time series of measurements to achieve an accurate estimation of the ARF and ARFE.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was partially supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through the grant SFRH/ BPD/86498/2012. The work is co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, included in the COMPETE 2020 (Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization) through the ICT project (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with the reference POCI01-0145-FEDER-007690 and also through the ALOP (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000004) and DNI-A (ALT2003-0145-FEDER-000011) projects. The research is also co-funded by the research projects CGL2011-29921-C0201/CLI and CGL2014-56255-C2-1-R granted by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain. The authors would like to acknowledge Samuel Bárias for maintaining instrumentation used in this work. Thanks are due to AERONET/PHOTONS and RIMA networks for the scientific and technical support. CIMEL calibration was performed at the AERONET-EUROPE GOA calibration center, supported by ACTRIS under agreement no. 654109 granted by European Union (H2020-INFRAIA-20142015). The data analyzed in this study are available from authors upon request (
dc.format.extent13 p.es_ES
dc.publisherTaiwan Association for Aerosol Researches_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectAerosol radiative effectses_ES
dc.subjectLong term analysises_ES
dc.subjectRadiative transfer modeles_ES
dc.subjectEfectos radiactivos de los aerosoleses_ES
dc.subjectAnálisis a largo plazoes_ES
dc.subjectModelo de transferencia radiactivaes_ES
dc.titleThirteen years of aerosol radiative forcing in Southwestern Iberian Peninsulaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco2501 Ciencias de la Atmósferaes_ES
europeana.dataProviderUniversidad de Extremadura. Españaes_ES
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationObregón, M.A., Costa, M.J., Silva, A.M. and Serrano, A. (2017). Thirteen Years of Aerosol Radiative Forcing in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 17: 2509-2521.
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidade de Évora. Portugales_ES
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Físicaes_ES
dc.identifier.publicationtitleAerosol and Air Quality Researches_ES
Colección:DFSCA - Artículos

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