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Títulos: “Know yourself” intervention program for the development of intrapersonal intelligence in university students
Autores/as: Arteaga Checa, Milagros
Manzano Sánchez, David
Belando Pedreño, Noelia
Palabras clave: Docentes en formación;Metodologías activas;Inteligencia intrapersonal;Conciencia reflexiva;Autoconocimiento;Sabiduría;Desarrollo emocional;Pre-service teachers;Active methodologies;Intrapersonal intelligence;Reflective awareness;Self-knowledge;Wisdom;Emotional development
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: MDPI
Resumen: The objective of the present study was to elaborate on an intervention proposal called “Know yourself” based on the development of intrapersonal intelligence and wisdom in university students, in the areas of “Expression and Corporal Communication” (mention of Physical Education) and “Expression, Communication and Creation of motor manifestations” that are relevant for a degree in Primary Education. The sample consisted of a total of 109 participants (M = 22.46; SD = 2.42), 48 men and 58 women. The participants were organized into two groups: n = 59 belonging to the control group and n = 47 to the experimental group. The research process began with the search and review of the existing bibliography, for both general terms and in the university context, in addition to the collection of the sample. Participants were intentionally assigned to the control and experimental groups. A pre-test was performed with the 3D-WS SCALE that evaluates wisdom (affective, reflective, and cognitive dimensions) through a Likert scale, and the results reflected no differences between groups (p > 0.05) for all variables (three dimensions of 3D-WS SCALE and health care), and for this reason, both groups were assessed on a similar level. At a qualitative level, participants were asked about their perception of the intervention and were interviewed through a semi-structured interview at the end of the intervention. Finally, the possible results and benefits of intervention programs are discussed along the same line of study, compared to the present proposal. All the aforementioned steps of the study were conducted with the main purpose of developing interventions with an adequate focus on and a high level of efficiency in the mastery of intra- and interpersonal wisdom crucial for the personal, academic, and social development of university students.
DOI: 10.3390/su152014802
Colección:DDEMU - Artículos

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