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Títulos: Analysis of the different scenarios of coach’s anger on the performance of youth basketball teams
Autores/as: Duque Ramos, Víctor Hugo
Sáenz-López Buñuel, Pedro
Gómez Ruano, Miguel Ángel
Ibáñez Godoy, Sergio José
Conde García, Cristina
Almagro Torres, Bartolomé Jesús
Rebollo González, José Antonio
Palabras clave: Emociones negativas;Baloncesto;Ira;Competición;Juventud;Negative emotions;Basketball;Anger;Competition;Youth
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: MDPI
Resumen: In spite of the negative effects of anger, coaches are often seen becoming angry during games. This is especially worrying in U18 categories. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the influence that the coach’s anger has on the performance of a basketball team in competition. For this, an ad hoc observation tool was designed, in which 587 moments of anger from the coaching staff (64 coaches) were recorded in the 24 semi-final and final matches of the Spanish Autonomous Region Team Championships in 2019 and 2020 in the infantil (M = 14 years old) and cadete (M = 16 years old) categories. The results show that, in response to most incidents of coach anger, the performance of the team did not change. Significant differences were identified in some scenarios, with low- or medium-intensity anger targeted at the defence, where the team performance improved. However, anger towards the referee in the last quarter with scores level had a negative influence on the team’s performance.
ISSN: 1661-7827
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19010459
Colección:DDEMU - Artículos
GOERD - Artículos

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