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Title: On Moduli Spaces for Finite-Order Jets of Linear Connections
Authors: Gordillo Merino, Adrián
Navarro Garmendia, José
Keywords: Invariantes diferenciales;Differential invariants;Espacios de moduli;Moduli spaces;Jets;Jets;Conexiones lineales;Linear connections
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics. University of Nis
Abstract: We describe the ringed–space structure of moduli spaces of jets of linear connections (at a point) as orbit spaces of certain linear representations of the general linear group. Then, we use this fact to prove that the only (scalar) differential invariants associated to linear connections are constant functions, as well as to recover various expressions appearing in the literature regarding the dimensions of generic strata of these moduli spaces.
ISSN: 2683-3867
DOI: 10.2298/FIL1707035G
Appears in Collections:DDCEM - Artículos
DMATE - Artículos

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