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Title: 3D cliff reconstruction by drone: an in-depth analysis of the image network
Authors: Gonçalves, Diogo
Gonçalves, Gil Rito
Pérez Álvarez, Juan Antonio
Andriolo, Umberto
Keywords: Sistema Aéreo no Tripulado;Estructura a partir del movimiento;Mapa de cobertura de imágenes en 3D;Teledetección;Monitoreo costero;Unmanned Aerial System;Structure from Motion;3D image coverage map;Remote sensing;Coastal monitoring
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Drones are cost-efficient tools to survey coastal cliffs. Two different drone flights were performed to reconstruct a coastal cliff face through the Structure from Motion technique.The collected images were characterised by a set of nine parameters, which were related to the image network and the image plane. The 3D image coverage map was proposed for an in-depth analysis of the image network. In terms of accuracy of the 3D reconstruction, positional errors were of 6.5 cm. Between the two flights, the main differences regarded the image redundancy (18) and the image incident angle (33º). These determined a diverse image coverage, and thus a different level of details of the complex cliff face areas. However, both image networks presented an identical similarity (0.34- 0.32) in respect to the established survey requirements. This work can support the development of an optimised drone acquisition scheme for the 3D reconstruction of coastal cliffs.
ISSN: 0263-2241
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113606
Appears in Collections:DEXGR - Artículos

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