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Title: Alternative Financial Methods for Improving the Investment in Renewable Energy Companies
Authors: Miralles Quirós, José Luis
Miralles Quirós, María del Mar
Keywords: Renewable energy;Energía renovable;Energy companies;Compañías energéticas;Performance measures;Medidas de rendimiento;Screening test;Prueba de detección;Devolatized returns;Rentabilidades devolatilizadas;Portfolio strategies;Estrategias de carteras
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Renewable energies have increased in importance in recent years due to the harm caused to the environment by fossil fuels. As a result, renewable energy companies seem to be profitable investment opportunities given their likely substantial future earnings. However, previous empirical evidence has not always agreed about this likely profitability. In addition, the methodologies employed in the existing empirical literature are complicated and not feasible for most investors to use. Therefore, it is proposed an approach which combines the use of performance measures, screening rules, devolatized returns and portfolio strategies, all of which can be implemented by investors. This approach results in high cumulative returns of more than 200% and other positive ratios, even when transaction costs are considered. This should encourage people to invest in these renewable energies and contribute to improving the environment.
DOI: 10.3390/math9091047
Appears in Collections:DEFYC - Artículos

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