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Title: Strong evidence of low levels of solar activity during the Maunder Minimum
Authors: Sánchez Carrasco, Víctor Manuel
Hayakawa, Hisashi
Kuroyanagi, C.
Gallego Herrezuelo, María Cruz
Vaquero Martínez, José M.
Keywords: Maunder Minimum;Solar activity;Sunspots;Actividad solar;Manchas solares;Ciclo solar
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The Maunder Minimum (MM) was a period of prolonged solar activity minimum between 1645 and 1715. Several works have identified a significant number of problematic spotless days in the MM included in existing data bases. We have found a list of exact spotless (in the second half of 1709) and spot days (January and August 1709) provided by Johann Heinrich Müller. We computed the most probable value and upper/lower limits of the active day fraction (ADF) from Müller's data using the hypergeometrical probability distribution. Our sample is not strictly random because Müller recorded observations in consecutive days when he observed sunspots. Therefore, our result represents an upper threshold of solar activity for 1709. We compared this result with annual values of the ADF calculated for the Dalton Minimum and the most recent solar cycles. We concluded that, although 1709 is one of the most active years in the MM, it was less active than most years both in the Dalton Minimum and in the most recent solar cycles. Therefore, the solar activity level estimated in this work for 1709 represents robust evidence of low solar activity levels in the MM.
Description: Versión acepta del artículo publicado en Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 4, July 2021, Pages 5199–5204,
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1155
Appears in Collections:DFSCA - Artículos

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