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Title: Bioactivities of wine components on marinated beef during aging
Authors: Arcanjo, Narciza O.
Morcuende Sánchez, David
Andrade Gracia, María Jesús
Padilla Torrico, Patricia
Madruga, Marta Suely
Estévez García, Mario
Keywords: Vino tinto;Tenderización;Oxidación de lípidos;Oxidación de proteínas;Deterioro microbiano;Red wine;Tenderization;Lipid oxidation;Protein oxidation;Microbial spoilage
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify particular wine components as responsible for the bioactivities observed in marinated bovine muscle Longissimus lumborum during 7 days of refrigerated storage at 4 °C. Depending on the grape variety, four marinades were considered (300 mL dealcoholized wine/kg meat): Carbernet (CAB), Tempranillo (TEM) and Isabel (ISA), including a control group of samples. CAB and TEM, rich in procyanidins, were more effective against lipid oxidation while ISA, rich in hydroxycinnamic acids, protected proteins against oxidation more efficiently. The lower Warner Bratzler shear force values in beef stakes marinated with ISA could be explained by the inhibition of protein cross-linking. Caftaric acid, the most abundant hydroxycinnamic acid in ISA, was tentatively identified as responsible for this relevant bioactivity. The particular phenolic composition of ISA wine and its high content in organic acids, may explain its effects against Enterobacteriaceae while sugars may have promoted the growth of lactic-acid bacteria in beef marinated with CAB and TEM.
ISSN: 1756-4646
DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2019.03.040
Appears in Collections:DPAAL - Artículos

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