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Title: Trayectoria y análisis del concepto de cultura escrita
Other Titles: Trajectory and analysis of the concept of written culture
Authors: Vivas Moreno, Agustín
Solano Macías, María Carmen
Keywords: Cultura escrita;Escritura;Lectura;Prácticas culturales
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de México
Abstract: This research aims to examine the evolutionary lines of the concept of written culture. It starts from the notions of paleography and literacy until reaching the current multidisciplinary vision open to approaches as diverse as those caused by historical changes in the definition of the reader and reading practices. An expansion of the con-cept of written culture is observed in the trajectory, mo-tivated fundamentally by the incorporation of principles belonging to the communicative, linguistic and socio-logical disciplines, which forces conceptual rethinking around three principles: dialogism, performativity and activism. The concept of written culture is inserted, con-sequently, in the framework of interpretive communities according to the new multimodal languages that pro-mote the hybrid cultural practices.
ISSN: 0187-358X
DOI: 10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2023.96.58754
Appears in Collections:DINCO - Artículos

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