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Title: Assessment of environmental radiological impact in former metallic mines in Extremadura (Spain): A case study
Authors: Figueredo Fernández, José Luis
Guillén Gerada, Francisco Javier
Salas García, Alejandro
Tejado Ramos, Juan José
Muñoz Muñoz, Juan Gabriel
Caballero Andrada, José Manuel
Keywords: Metallic mine;Radiological impact;NORM;ERICA;Non-human biota;Naturally occurring radionuclides;Minería metálica;Impacto radiológico;Biota no humana;Radionucleidos naturales
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Metal mining in the Extremadura region was very important in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, due to different reasons the great majority of mines ceased operations, leading to plenty of abandoned mining sites, most of them with on-site waste dumps. Although metal extraction is not radioactive per se, it is considered a NORM activity. In this study, three former mining sites, in which Pb-V-Zn-Ag, Pb-Ag, and Pb-Zn were extracted, were selected to assess the radiological impact on the population and the environment. The external γ exposure was estimated by determining the effective dose and elaborating isodose maps of the sites. The presence of the mining sites increased up to 0.41 mSv/y the effective dose over the surrounding background, which is below the reference value of 1 mSv/y. In only one mining site, the uranium and radium activity concentration of waste dumps were higher than the surrounding soil. The soil to plant (wild grass) transfer factors were similar to other reported values without the influence of NORM activities. So, no enhanced transfer of radionuclides was observed. The radiological impact on the environment was assessed by the risk to non-human biota using the tiered approach developed in ERICA Tool. The sum of the risk quotients of all considered radionuclides in the most conservative Tier 1 was below 1. Total dose rates for several terrestrial Reference Animal and Plants (RAPs) were estimated using Tier 3, obtaining values below 40 μGy/h. Therefore, the impact on non-human biota can be considered as negligible.
ISSN: 0265-931X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2024.107412
Appears in Collections:DFIAP - Artículos

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