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Title: N‐Bridged Acyclic Trimeric Poly‐Cyclodiphosphazanes: Highly Tuneable Cyclodiphosphazane Building Blocks.
Authors: Shi, Xiaoyan
León, Félix
Sim, Ying
Quek, Shina
Hum, Gavin
Khoo, Yi Xin Joycelyn
Xuan Ng, Zi
Yang Par, Mian
Chee Ong, How
Singh, Varum K.
Ganguly, Rakesh
Clegg, Jack K.
Díaz Álvarez, Jesús
García, Felipe
Keywords: Compuestos acíclicos triméricos;Ciclodifosfazano;Moléculas terminales;Cambios;Afinidades cloruro;Acyclic trimeric cyclodiphosphazane;Cyclophosphazane;Terminal N(H)R moieties;Changes;Binding affinities
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: We have synthesized a completely new family of acyclic trimeric cyclodiphosphazane compounds comprising NH, NiPr, NtBu and NPh bridging groups. In addition, the first NH-bridged acyclic dimeric cyclophosphazane has been produced. The trimeric species display highly tuneable characteristics so that the distance between the terminal N(H)R moieties can be readily modulated by the steric bulk present in the bridging groups (ranging from &6 to &10 c). Moreover, these species exhibit pronounced topological changes when a weak non-bonding NH···p aryl interaction is introduced. Finally, the NH-bridged chloride binding affinities have been calculated and benchmarked along with the existing experimental data available for monomeric cyclodiphosphazanes. Our results underscore these species as promising hydrogen bond donors for supramolecular host–guest applications.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202008214
Appears in Collections:DQOIN - Artículos

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