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2018Characterization of some classes related to the class of browder linear relationsFarah, Attaif; Mnif, Maher; University of Sfax. Tunisia
2018Minimal matrix representations of decomposable Lie algebras of dimension less than or equal to fiveGhanam, Ryad; Lamichhane, Manoj; Thompson, Gerard; Virginia Commonwealth University. Qatar; University of Wisonsin at Waukesha. USA; University of Toledo. USA
2018Moving Weyl’s theorem from ⨍(T) to TFebronio Rodríguez, M.; Duggal, B.P.; Djordjević, S.V.; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. México
2018Three-operator problems in Banach spacesFernández Castillo, Jesús M.; Chō, Muneo; González, Manuel; Universidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Matemáticas; Kanagawa University. Japan; Universidad de Cantabria
2018Partial differential equations and strictly plurisubharmonic functions in several variablesAbidi, Jamel; University of Tunis El Manar. Tunisia
2018Representing matrices, M-ideals and tensor products of L₁-predual spacesDutta, S.; Khurana, D.; Sensarma, A.; Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. India
2018The geometry of ℒ(³Ɩ²∞) and optimal constants in the Bohnenblust-Hille inequality for multilinear forms and polynomialsKim, Sung Guen; Kyungpook National University. South Korea
2018Sobolev spaces and potential spaces associated to Hermite polynomials expansionsLópez P., I. A.; Universidad Simón Bolívar. Venezuela
2018On some inequalities for strongly reciprocally convex functionsBracamonte, M.; Medina, J.; Vivas, M.; Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). Ecuador; Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela
2018A note on a paper of S.G. KimSerrano Rodríguez, Diana M.; Universidad Nacional de Colombia