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dc.contributor.authorBlázquez Bello, Sara-
dc.contributor.authorCampos Roca, Yolanda-
dc.contributor.authorBangert, Axel-
dc.contributor.authorSandhagen, Carl-
dc.identifier.citationBlazquez-Belloa, S., Campos-Roca, Y., Bangertb, A., Sandhagen, C. (2021). Impact of substrate and bending angle on the performance of microwave PCB sensors for permittivity measurements-
dc.descriptionPublicado en Measurement (Volume 175, April 2021, 109114) con DOI: j.measurement.2021.109114es_ES
dc.description.abstractA design topology for a microwave planar permittivity sensor focused on manufacturing simplicity is proposed. Its operation is based on the first-notch frequency of the reflection parameter. The impacts of substrate and bending angle on the performance of this type of sensor are comparatively analyzed. Three flexible substrates are considered in comparison to three rigid ones. By full-wave electromagnetic analysis, the sensors have been simulated in contact to a material under test with a relative permittivity ranging between 1 and 20. The resulting shifts in the first-notch frequency show the potential of flexible environmentally-friendly substrates, such as liquid crystal polymer and paper, for the development of the sensors. In the flexible cases, the bending angles have been varied from 0 to 120, producing deviations in first-notch frequency of 0.4 to 4.7%. The simulation methodology is validated by experimental characterization of a prototype on Rogers 4003C laminate.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research has been supported by Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (Collaboration Grant at the Department of Computer and Communication Technologies), the European Union (ERASMUS + Programme, Mobility for Traineeship), project TEC2017-83352- C2-2-P (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) and project GR18055 (Junta de Extremadura/ European Regional Development Funds, EU).es_ES
dc.format.extent29 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectEvaluación no destructivaes_ES
dc.subjectMedición de permitividades_ES
dc.subjectPlaca de circuito impreso (PCB)es_ES
dc.subjectSensores de microondases_ES
dc.subjectElectrónica verdees_ES
dc.subjectElectrónica flexiblees_ES
dc.subjectNondestructive evaluationes_ES
dc.subjectPermittivity measurementes_ES
dc.subjectPrinted circuit board (PCB)es_ES
dc.subjectMicrowave sensorses_ES
dc.subjectGreen electronicses_ES
dc.subjectFlexible electronicses_ES
dc.titleImpact of substrate and bending angle on the performance of microwave PCB sensors for permittivity measurementses_ES
dc.subject.unesco3325 Tecnología de las Telecomunicacioneses_ES
dc.subject.unesco1203.25 Diseño de Sistemas Sensoreses_ES
dc.subject.unesco3307 Tecnología Electrónicaes_ES
europeana.dataProviderUniversidad de Extremadura. Españaes_ES
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Kassel. Germanyes_ES
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Tecnología de los Computadores y de las Comunicacioneses_ES
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