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Title: Calidad de la educación en el grado en educación infantil: desarrollo competencial
Other Titles: Quality of education in the degree in childhood education: competence development
Authors: González Sanmamed, Mercedes
Rebollo Quintela, Nuria
Losada Puente, Luisa
Rodríguez Machado, Eduardo Rafael
Keywords: Calidad de la educación;Plan de estudios universitarios;Enseñanza y formación;Competencia profesional;Educational quality;University curriculum;Teaching and training;Occupational qualifications
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Asociación INFAD
Universidad de Extremadura
Abstract: Uno de los factores más estudiados en la psicología del deporte es la motivación deportiva en deportistas amateurs y de alto rendimiento. El presente estudio tiene los objetivos de establecer la relación entre clima motivacional hacia el deporte, ansiedad y autoconcepto emocional y físico en deportistas amateurs y de alto rendimiento e identificar y clarificar las relaciones existentes entre el clima motivacional, ansiedad, autoconcepto emocional y físico. Para ello han participado un total de 1434 participantes cuyas edades comprendían entre los 18 y 31 años, utilizándose una hoja de auto registro destinada a la recogida de variables sociodemográficas y los cuestionarios de clima motivacional pmcsq-2, inventario de ansiedad de beck y el autoconcepto forma 5. Los resultados arrojan que el ser deportista amateur o de alto rendimiento influye en la orientación de la motivación deportiva, influyendo esta a su vez en el desarrollo del autoconcepto físico y emocional, así como en el aumento o disminución de los niveles de ansiedad.
The quality of the education provided in schools is largely determined by teachers’ initial university training. Therefore, it is a challenge in Spain to configure a Teacher Training Model that is adapted to the demands of the changing society. To this end, the official university degrees that enable the exercise of the regulated profession of Early Childhood Education Teacher are established by the Order ECI/3854/2007, of 27 December, which includes the European Union’s guidelines on competences. The general objective of this research is to analyse the perception that students of the Degree in Early Childhood Education have of the level of development of the competences acquired in their initial training grouped into four dimensions: educator and guide, member of an organisation, interlocutor and referent, and researcher and innovator. A quantitative, descriptive-correlational methodology was used, through the application of a questionnaire to 144 students in the 3rd and 4th year of the Degree in Early Childhood Education taught at the University of A Coruña. The results show that the training of future Early Childhood Education teachers is positively valued in all the dimensions of the model, especially in relation to their training as researchers and innovators. The high correlations between the dimensions of the model show the need to design training plans that are committed to comprehensive teaching, taking as a reference the future teachers’ point of view on the strengths and weaknesses of their training.
ISSN: 0214-9877
DOI: 10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v1.2381
Appears in Collections:Revista INFAD 2022 Nº 1, vol. 1

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