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Title: A new proof of James’ Sup Theorem
Authors: Morillon, Marianne
Keywords: Teorema del sup de James;Copia asintóticamente isométrica de ℓ1;Teorema de Hagler y Johnson;Secuencias de bloques;Espacios reflexivos de Banach;Axioma de elección;James’ sup theorem;Asymptotically isometric copy of ℓ1;Hagler and Johnson’s theorem;Block sequences;Reflexive Banach spaces;Axiom of Choice
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones
Abstract: We provide a new proof of James’ sup theorem for (non necessarily sep- arable) Banach spaces. One of the ingredients is the following generalization of a theorem of Hagler and Johnson : “If a normed space E does not contain any asymptotically isometric copy of ℓ1, then every bounded sequence of ℓ1 has a normalized ℓ1-block sequence pointwise converging to 0”.
ISSN: 0213-8743
Appears in Collections:Extracta Mathematicae Vol. 20, nº 3 (2005)

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