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Title: Novel networked remote laboratory architecture for open connectivity based on PLC-OPC-LabVIEW-EJS integration. Application in remote fuzzy control and sensors data acquisition
Authors: González Pérez, Isaías
Calderón Godoy, Antonio José
Mejías Borrero, Andrés
Andújar Márquez, José Manuel
Keywords: Laboratorio remoto en red;Adquisición de datos;Controlador lógico programable;Control difuso;Simulaciones fáciles de Java;OPC;Networked remote laboratory;Data acquisition;Crogrammable logic controller;Fuzzy control;Easy java simulations
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: In this paper the design and implementation of a network for integrating Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), the Object-Linking and Embedding for Process Control protocol (OPC) and the open-source Easy Java Simulations (EJS) package is presented. A LabVIEW interface and the Java-Internet-LabVIEW (JIL) server complete the scheme for data exchange. This configuration allows the user to remotely interact with the PLC. Such integration can be considered a novelty in scientific literature for remote control and sensor data acquisition of industrial plants. An experimental application devoted to remote laboratories is developed to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed approach. The experiment to be conducted is the parameterization and supervision of a fuzzy controller of a DC servomotor. The graphical user interface has been developed with EJS and the fuzzy control is carried out by our own PLC. In fact, the distinctive features of the proposed novel network application are the integration of the OPC protocol to share information with the PLC and the application under control. The user can perform the tuning of the controller parameters online and observe in real time the effect on the servomotor behavior. The target group is engineering remote users, specifically in control- and automation-related tasks. The proposed architecture system is described and experimental results are presented.
ISSN: 1424-8220
DOI: 10.3390/s16111822
Appears in Collections:DIEEA - Artículos

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