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Title: Sistemas de agrupamiento pre y post destete en lechones ibéricos. Bienestar y productividad
Authors: González Vega, Francisco
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Aparicio Tovar, Miguel Ángel
Vargas Giraldo, Juan de Dios
Keywords: Bienestar animal;Cerdo Ibérico;Destete;Animal Welfare;Iberian pig;Weaning
Issue Date: 2014-12-01
Abstract: El objetivo del estudio fue describir el efecto de la parada del crecimiento ocasionada por el destete en lechones Ibéricos y su relación con la aparición de diarreas y con el grado de desarrollo fisiológico de los lechones. Con el objetivo de valorar estos factores en respuesta a diferentes edades de destete y a distintos sistemas de cría, se emplearon tres sistemas diferentes de cría (nave con jaulas de cría, nave tradicional y cercados exteriores) y dos edades diferentes de destete (28 días de vida y 42 días de vida). Para cada edad de destete se hicieron 3 lotes con lechones de una misma procedencia de cría y finalmente, para evaluar el efecto combinado del sistema de cría y la mezcla de animales, se creó un cuarto lote con animales de las tres procedencias de cría mezclados. Todos los animales (n=360) fueron pesados semanalmente desde los 21 hasta los 63 días de vida, controlando con la misma frecuencia el consumo de alimento y la presencia de diarreas. A lo largo del post-destete se controló el nivel de cortisol en 5 lechones recogiendo muestras de saliva de forma semanal (entre las 09:00 y las 11:00 am), y una muestra de sangre al comienzo y al final de las experiencias. Para el análisis de los resultados se empleó el Modelo Lineal General (SPSS) y el procedimiento Chi-Cuadrado y para determinar las correlaciones entre variables los estadísticos Pearson y Spaerman.
The aim of this study was to describe the growth-check after weaning in Iberian pig and its relation with the occurrence of post-weaning diarrhoea and the physiological maturity of piglets. In order to assess these factors in response to different weaning ages and different rearing systems, a total of 360 pure-breed Iberian piglets were studied and were assigned at random to be weaned at 28d or 42d postpartum. Piglets were reared on three different systems: Intensive (I) (n= 12 litters), Traditional (T) (n= 12 litters) and Out-door system (O) (n= 12 litters). After weaning piglets were placed into six different groups according their weaning age and rearing system (two groups for each rearing system and a weaning age for each) and from each group, four pens were assembled with 15 piglets (three litters by group and five animals from each litter). All animals were weighed weekly from 21 to 63 days old, and food intake and presence or absence of diarrhoea were controlled with the same frequency. Salivary glucocorticoids (cortisol) were controlled during post-weaning period from 5 piglets in each pen and samples were collected between 9:00 and 11:00. In the same piglets blood samples were taken at weaning moment and at the end of the study. General Linear Models and Chi-Square procedure was used with SPSS® statistical package to perform the analysis with a confidence interval of 95% (P < 0.005). Pearson and Spaerman analysis was conducted to examine relationships between variables.
Appears in Collections:DPAAL - Tesis doctorales y tesinas
Tesis doctorales

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