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Title: Un teorema de compleción para espacios de sucesiones generalizadas
Authors: García Lafuente, José María
Keywords: Espacio vectorial normado;Sucesiones y series;Teorema de compleción;Espacios de Hilbert;Espacio de Köte;Normed vector space;Sequences and series;Completion theorem;Hilbert spaces;Köte spaces
Issue Date: 2016-11-21
Abstract: In this paper it is shown a completion theorem of spaces of generalized sequences Λ{E} introduced by A Pietsch and R. C. Rosier where Λ is a perfect space of sequences and E a locally convex space. The space Λ{E} is topologized using the topology of E and a certain collection M of bounted subset of the dual space Λx of Λ.
Appears in Collections:DMATE - Artículos

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