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Títulos: Quantification and identification of damage caused by pests and fungi in dried figs from orchards with different levels of agronomic management in the main production areas of extremadura (SW Spain)
Autores/as: Galán Jiménez, Antonio Jesús
Martín, A
Torres Vila, L.M.
Ruiz Moyano, Santiago
Galván Romero, Ana Isabel
Serradilla Sánchez, Manuel Joaquín
López Corrales, Margarita
Palabras clave: Higos secos;Plagas;Aves;Insectos;Mohos;Gestión agronómica;Dried figs;Pests;Birds;Insects;Moulds;Agronomic management
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Elsevier
Resumen: This work aimed to evaluate the effect of agronomic management and water regime on the number of lesions, levels of insect infestation and microbiological quality of dried figs in Extremadura. Dried fig samples from 18 orchards were collected. The results showed that birds were the primary pests, causing damage to dried figs, followed by insects and fungi. The effects of orchard management were more pronounced under irrigated conditions, with the percentage of undamaged dried figs and the number of insect-free fruits rising significantly with increasing management. Under rainfed conditions, the level of orchard management did not significantly influence damage. In addition, insects were detected in both damaged and undamaged dry figs. Cadra figulilella, Carpophilus hemipterus and Ceratitis capitata were the most common species. Regarding mycobiota, orchard conditions did not significantly affect fungi counts, but they did influence species composition. Aspergillus spp. were predominant under all conditions, followed by Alternaria spp. under irrigated conditions. This work provides relevant information on the different biotic agents that affect dried figs, showing that a higher level of management under irrigated conditions reduces pest incidence. Such knowledge is essential for designing control methods to obtain higher quality fruits.
ISSN: 0261-2194
DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2023.106334
Colección:DPAAL - Artículos

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