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dc.contributor.authorCostillo Borrego, Emilio-
dc.contributor.authorCorbacho Amado, Casimiro-
dc.contributor.authorMorán López, Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorVillegas Sánchez, María Auxiliadora-
dc.description.abstractThe current feeding habits of the Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus remain largely unknown since most studies were carried out in the 1970s. To update the information, we studied the diet of the species in different colonies in Extremadura by analyzing the frequency of presence of 378 prey items observed in 283 pellets. In all colonies, sheep carcasses formed the staple food. Nevertheless, there were major differences between colonies in supplementary prey: farm poultry and swine in Sierra de Gata, swine and deer in Sierra de San Pedro and Granadilla. There were also variations between subcolonies within a colony and differences with colonies elsewhere in the Iberian Peninsula. In colonies situated in areas with a high abundance of lagomorphs and deer, such as Cabañeros and Sierra de Andujar, the diet is based on wild animal populations. In other colonies, the diet depends to a large extent on livestock farming: sheep in Sierra de Gata, Granadilla and Sierra de San Pedro, and swine and sheep in Sierra de Guadarrama. The Cinereous Vulture thus shows great trophic plasticity, taking advantage of new resources (such as carcasses of poultry from poultry farms) and responding to variations in prey availability in the area surrounding the colonies. These circumstances need to be taken into consideration for the conservation of the species, in particular when the vultures depend on human resources, which are prone to drastic changes in availability. The recent outbreaks of veterinary diseases (like BSE, foot-and-mouth disease, Rift Valley fever and bluetongue disease) and reforms related to the Common Agricultural Policy, are a point in case.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe data were collected under the financial sponsorship of the Project LIFE-Nature 97/250 “Gestión de ZEPA en Extremadura. Recuperatión y conservatión del Buitre Negro y del Águila Perdicera”, subproject “Biología y Plan de Manejo del Buitre Negro en Extremadura” of the General Directorate for the Environment, Board of Agriculture and the Environment, Junta of Extremadura. Our special acknowledgements go to Juan Manuel Sánchez Guzmán who directed the project and made valuable suggestions that helped us to improve this study. We thank very much Manuel Flores Cid de Rivera and Francisco Acedo Balsera for assistance throughout the research. We also thank Rob G. Bijlsma, Lexo Gavashelishvili and Stefan Schindler for their critical and constructive comments that improved the manuscript. We would particularly like to express our gratitude to the professionals of the Environmental Ranger Service who made it possible to attain a better knowledge of the distribution of the nesting populations of Cinereous Vultures, and to the private land owners who allowed us access to their estates. The work complies with the current laws of Spain.-
dc.format.extent11 p.es_ES
dc.publisherNetherlands Ornithologists' Union & BIONEes_ES
dc.subjectAegypius monachuses_ES
dc.subjectIntracolony variationes_ES
dc.subjectTrophic plasticityes_ES
dc.subjectIntracolony variation-
dc.subjectPlasticidad trófica-
dc.titleDiet plasticity of cinereous vulture aegypius monachus in different colonies in the Extremadura (sw Spain)es_ES
dc.subject.unesco2401.02 Comportamiento Animales_ES
dc.subject.unesco2401.06 Ecología Animales_ES
dc.subject.unesco2401.20 Ornitologíaes_ES
europeana.dataProviderUniversidad de Extremadura. Españaes_ES
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationEmilio Costillo, Casimiro Corbacho, Ricardo Morán, and Auxiliadora Villegas "Diet Plasticity of Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus in Different Colonies in the Extremadura (SW Spain)," Ardea 95(2), 201-211, (1 October 2007).
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Matemáticases_ES
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Extremadura. Departamento de Anatomía, Biología Celular y Zoología-
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversidad de Extremadura. Grupo de Investigación Biología de la Conservación-
Colección:DABCZ - Artículos
DDCEM - Artículos
RNM010 - Artículos

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